Monday, October 21, 2013

We have moved

You can't help but to recall all the memories that were born at 350 Bern Street. At the Restoration Technical Institute, our building is our second home. We have many wonderful memories in our building from the students and instructors. We have had a lot of laughs and a couple tears.
As today being our first day in our new home at 1145 Commons Boulevard in Muhlenberg, it is with a tinge of sadness but mostly excitement that our new building was built and designed around our memories and experiences. Our doors were placed strategically for optimal flow our HVAC system designed for our students comfort.

We could tell you about our new training room, the new climate controlled storage for our clients, or tell you about the Ice Cream Machine and Soda Fountain in our Hospitality Room; but we rather you stop in and see it for yourself. As of today Monday, October 21, 2013, we will be calling our new building home.
The team at the Restoration Technical Institute look forward to making new memories with you in our new building for years to come.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Are you color blind? You can still do a color repair

October 23-24: IICRC Color Repair Technician (CRT) (Prerequisite: IICRC Certification in CCT or CCMT)

The attached article from Cleanfax discusses adding color repair service to your carpet cleaning business and some of the new technology available to assist in color repair. 

If you have worked with the app in performing color repair, please share your experience with the group.

Color Repair Services
Most carpet cleaning technicians have avoided spot dyeing because it seemed too challenging to them. They had difficulty with color matching and colorfastness.